

Porphyry, Red Imperial Porphyry Power and Religion

Porphyry, Red Imperial Porphyry Power and Religion

This monograph examines the stone material par excellence used throughout the Roman Empire and the most costly of Diocletian’s Edict: Egyptian Red Porphyry. The fortunate circumstances of knowing Professor Raniero Gnoli, who wrote the introduction to this book, and the research and travel carried out with him, have allowed the author to present a large amount of information...

The ancient marbles in the cosmati reuse

The ancient marbles in the cosmati reuse

The lecture by Prof. Dario Del Bufalo looks at the beginnings of the taste for coloured marbles in the Roman Empire: their use, origins, quarries and colours, and in particular the symbolic, political and religious values of some of the key colours in the iconographical transition from Pagan to Christian Rome. Other aspects covered are the re-use of coloured...

Scultures of The Santarelli and Zeri collection

Scultures of The Santarelli and Zeri collection

  Scultura, materia e mercato / Dario Del Bufalo (905 Kb)    Lo studio dello scultore / Dario Del Bufalo (451 Kb)

Marmorari Magistri Romani

Marmorari Magistri Romani

...the Roman Magistri developed a language that was appropriate to the new liturgical values of the Christian religion. Like this, the divine word remained camouflaged in the fractal geometry of Arabic mathematics...

The marble floors in the apartment of Charles IV and Luisa of Parma

The marble floors in the apartment of Charles IV and Luisa of Parma

Following the Napoleonic decree on the suppression of monasteries, the complex of Saints Bonifacio and Alessio, once freed from the religious order, was chosen and bought by Charles IV of Spain in 1809 as his summer residence while in Rome with his wife, Maria Luisa, Princess of Parma...

Marbres de couleur. Pierres et architecture de l’Antiquité au XVIII siècle

Marbres de couleur. Pierres et architecture de l’Antiquité au XVIII siècle

Les marbres de couleur sont des pierres pnécieuses enchâssées dans les joyaux de I'architecture. Cet ouvrage entend suivre une trace à la fois historique et chronologique de l'utilisation des différentes pierres dans l'architecture italienne, de l'époque romaine au baroque.

The murrhine ware rebus

The murrhine ware rebus

Vasa myrrhina (or murrhina, murrina) hold an outstanding position among the most fashion- able luxury goods in the Ancient World...

Illustrated catalog of The Santarelli Glyptic Collection

Illustrated catalog of The Santarelli Glyptic Collection

Having been philologically united, these rare and precious everyday objects, fruit of careful study and research in the ancient texts, merit being part of an exceptional private collection. The practice of collecting, the result of an aesthetic sensibility, has ancient origins and is frequently associated with a form of patronage that encourages and supports an artistic production, with the...

L’Università dei Marmorari di Roma

L’Università dei Marmorari di Roma

The Università dei Marmorari in Rome is extremely grateful to the National Committee for the Celebrations of the Sixth Centenary of its foundation, for having made the publication of this small volume possible...

The Marble Empire. The unique stone that made Rome beautiful

The Marble Empire. The unique stone that made Rome beautiful

The «marble hunters» both past and present searching for quarries of the «shining stone», which at times are more valuable than gold mines

Marmi colorati. Le pietre e l’architettura dall’Antico al Barocco

Marmi colorati. Le pietre e l’architettura dall’Antico al Barocco

This book aims to follow a track the historical chronology of the use of the stone material in Italian architecture from the Roman period to the Baroque...

Notvlae thebaicae

Notvlae thebaicae

An 18th century altarpiece, almost three metres high, by Antoniazzo Romano situated in the sacristy of the Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Rome is framed by two beautiful twin granite columns, the granite being the same as the Column of Flagellation...

Il Granito della Colonna

Il Granito della Colonna

Among all the Roman quarries of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, the whereabouts of the quarry of the Granite of the Column has, until today, remained almost unknown. However in the first half of the last century, the erudite Roman collector and lawyer Francesco Belli, already describes this stone with its pale grey to almost...

L’Eldorado dei faraoni. Alla scoperta di Berenice Pancrisia

L’Eldorado dei faraoni. Alla scoperta di Berenice Pancrisia

The exciting news of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries: the mythical Berenice Panchrysos, the all-golden city, founded in 270 BC by Ptolemy Philadelphus, (who gave the city his mother’s name) and rediscovered in the Nubian Desert by an Italian expedition in 1989. A great adventure is recounted in detail by the protagonists – the...

Marmi Antichi e Pietre Dure

Marmi Antichi e Pietre Dure

Coloured marbles are inseparable from Roman civilisation. No culture has searched for and loved these coloured marbles as much as the Romans did...