Prof. Dario Del Bufalo
Specialista in scultura lapidea, marmi colorati, glittica, restauro e geoarcheologia
Mosaico Caligola
The Guardian Mosaic of Caligula
Priceless Roman mosaic spent 50 years as a coffee table in New York apartment Long-lost mosaic commissioned by Emperor Caligula disappeared from Italian museum during second world war… Read more
Artnet News Mosaic of Caligula
A New York Woman Used This Mosaic From Caligula’s Party Boat as a Coffee Table for Years. Now, It Has Been Returned to Italy Caligula commissioned the mosaic for his dance floor on the ship… Read more
Smithsonian Magazine Mosaic of Caligula
A Mosaic From Caligula’s ‘Pleasure Boat’ Spent 45 Years as a Coffee Table in NYC Authorities returned the ancient artwork, now on view at a museum near Rome, to Italy following a multi-year investigation… Read more
“Roman Emperor Caligula’s coffee table” – Intervista INTEGRALE di Anderson Cooper CBS “60 Minutes”
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